Introducing Electronics and Amateur Radio Across the Generations
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CQ Scotland.com
Introducing Electronics and Amateur Radio Across the Generations
CQ SCOTLAND.COM is a non profit community group inspiring interest in electronics and amateur radio. This is achieved through:
- coordinating electronic project construction events
- distributing electronic project kits and components from donations
OUR VOLUNTEERS include electronics professionals and enthusiast's, shedder's, maker's and licensed radio amateurs, keen to share skills and years of experience.
Along the way, we help build better communities.
DONATIONS of electronic items to upcycle and repurpose welcomed!
Hamilton Boys Brigade
Hands On Introduction to Electronics 2024
The Hamilton Boys Brigade company recently shared in a Hands On Introduction to Electronics.
The three sessions covered:
S1: Friday 4th October - Identifying Modern Components
S2: Friday 25th October - Using A Multimeter
S3: Friday November 15th - Soldering Project.
It was designed to introduce electronics as a worthwhile life long hobby. After further study, it could also lead to a career in the ever changing world of electronics in Scotland.
Hamilton Girl Guides Halloween Hoot & Howl! - A Spooktacular Success
Hamilton Girl Guides Unit, Burnbank, had a hoot October 29th creating Halloween themed electronic LED cards with a little help from CQ Scotland volunteers. View the beautifully finished cards below, and decide what was the most popular haunted house character! We are grateful for the support of Andrew from www.MakerSpaces.com.
For more information email:
info @ CQScotland.com
Helping Sheds Grow
Several CQ Scotland volunteers are Men Shedder's. We have visited Men's Shed's around Scotland and held group electronic kit building events.
To learn more Click Here
Scouts Make Morse Code Sender
CQ Scotland Breadboard Kit - No Soldering! - (Photos Kai MM1AUF)
Greenock District Scout’s Amateur Radio Club recently held a Buildathon so scouts could construct a Morse sender and start learning the Code.
After inserting the small kit of parts into a breadboard, provided & designed by CQ Scotland, everyone was sending code within the hour.
Pictured above from Scout Active Support: George GM8YUI and Bob MM1AWV encourage Scouts to complete their Morse sender kits.
News & Blog
12 février 2020Read more...Best Introduction to Modern Radio 978-1-4842-5301-4 If you are looking for a new hobby or...16 février 2020Read more...Despite the rest of the UK closing down for Storm Dennis, on Sunday February 16th, many hardy...15 février 2020Read more...Here is a low cost PCB Kit that will help all those needing to complete the Practical Work for...More PostsCQ Scotland.com
Introducing Electronics and Amateur Radio Across the Generations
Whitehill Community Centre Events, Hamilton, Scotland
NEWS - Over 60 attend CQScotland events at Whitehill, Hamilton. Read more...
Daily Record Report and Photos.
Hamilton Advertiser March 8 Article
(1046kb pdf)
Spies, Morse Code, Clandestine Radio in Hamilton, Scotland
Children from two Hamilton schools had a fun time February 20th building a Morse code sender and learning Morse at the Whitehill Community Centre. This was the fourth session learning basic electronics and building an electronic project, with help from the CQScotland Group.
Guest radio amateur (ham) Roy, radio callsign GM4VKI, shared with the children his knowledge and collection of clandestine radio equipment. This really brought to life Morse, secret codes, spying and communication methods, still relevant today.
The Scottish Region 1 Manager of the RSGB, Mr Tony Miles MM0TMZ explained his father and grandfather used similar equipment whilst working for the UK clandestine Special Operations Executive in WW1 and WW2.
Excitement and interest rose further when one of the parents revealed: " I used to be a radio operator in the Soviet Navy and am familiar with the techniques mentioned by Roy."
The afternoon ended with an excited group of children taking away their Morse code senders and new skills and knowledge about basic electronics and communications.
From all the children, thank you Roy GM4VKI and Tony MM0TMZ!
Montrose Air Station Heritage Museum Buildathon August 26th, 2018
Glasgow Buildathon May 20th
Do you have surplus modern components? radio/electronics books/magazines or know someone who has? We upcycle components into free fun electronic kits for all. Please contact David MM0HQD - Email: info @ CQScotland.com
Scotland Newsletter (pdf 87kb)
1. Men Shedders from across Scotland Share New Skills
Men Shedders from across the Central Belt met in Glasgow May 20th to build an electronic project. The 1.2 watt amplifier kit connects to a cellphone, MP3 player, or practice guitar to create room filling music. [Photo Courtesy Joe 2M0JHY MLARS]
This event was made possible by the generous support of the Radio Society of Great Britain Legacy Fund, Antex Electronics Ltd and the Mid Lanark Amateur Radio Society and many individuals acknowledged here.
2. David and Ron - Rutherglen & Cambuslang Shed
Ron (Chairman) is a keen electronic constructor and feels other shedder's can make a start at low cost and continue building projects well into later years in the shed and at home. David has just been bitten by the bug and wants to share the fun with others in his shed. [Photo Courtesy MM0HQD]
3. Savannah (6) guided by Margaret XYL of Sam GM4BGS WOSARS
Nearby, Savannah successfully built her flashing LED's project on a breadboard and soldered a TA7642 AM radio. As you can see a lot of happy smiles were created too! Thank you Margaret! [Photo Courtesy Steve M1ACB RSGB]
A teacher's job is to take a bunch of live wires and see they are well grounded. (Author unknown via George Dobbs G3RJV.)
4. John, Hamilton Men's Shed, Helps Keen Constructor Fraser (12)
Prior to retiring John was MD of a robotics company. At Hamilton Men's Shed he has created several wonderful project kits for CQ Scotland events and is keen to share his experience with others. John is inspecting Frasers soldering skills and is impressed. Keep up the good work Fraser!
5. Steve M1ACB RSGB GM Visits CQScotland Stand
Returning from an Isle of Islay holiday, Steve unexpectedly dropped by the CQScotland stand. Pictured with two of our stand volunteers are Angela and Mary. Great to see you Steve! [Photo Courtesy MM0HQD]
6. Paul Discusses Project Progress with Police Cadet
Paul frClydebank MS is a competent electronics project builder but wanted to see how he might involve other shedder's.
8. David MM0HQD and Len Paget GM0ONX RSGB Board Director
[Photo Courtesy of Kevin 2M0KVM MLARS]
What Others Say
"I really enjoyed seeing the kids and parents tinkering away at the Morse Beeper project. Your organisation and way of doing things was exemplary. Roy (GM4VKI) was a great speaker and captivated the imagination with his talk of spies..."
Tony Miles MM0TMZ RSGB Region 1 Manager
"I have to compliment you all on the job you did – the thought and the implementation were really good. It’s quite a pool of quiet achievers you have on tap." Parent I
- "Great job guys, keep up the great work." Bob - Kennoway Community Shed Fife
- "I must thank you and your colleagues for their kindness and their knowledge imparted to my grandson Dominic. He had a most enjoyable time and I can’t thank you enough for making a great day out for a special wee boy."
Stephen, Kilmarnock, May 20
- "Thank you all most sincerely for a wonderful experience building a radio. My son so enjoyed himself and we couldn't believe the one-on-one attention that was available. This was key as it meant that he really 'learnt' what was important with electronics. Rather than being success focused as so many of these things are I was delighted, in this day and age, to see that it was the learning and understanding that underpinned this activity. I would be grateful if you would please pass on our thanks to all those involved on the day."
Elizabeth D
Thank You!
Funded by Radio Society of Great Britain Legacy Committee
Many people quietly work away to help grow this project. We gratefully acknowledge the support from the following:
Antex Electronics Ltd
Davey G1KYN
Amanda M6LXK
Angela, Savannah, Mary
Callum MM6XKC
David Searle MM0HQD - NZ ZL3DWS
Dennis G6YBC
Tony Miles MM0TMZ RSGB Region 1 Manager
Kevin MM6KCM Chairman MLARS
Frank - Hamilton & District Men's Shed
Gordon 2M0DQN
John F5VLF France
Katrina Siegfried www.katrinasiegfried.com
Steve G0FUW
John W - Hamilton & District Men's Shed
Richard G3ZTB
Godfrey G4GLM
Mike G3JKX
Denis MM0DNX
David Smith MM0HVU RSGB DRM15
Spiratronics - http://spiratronics.com/
Gordon GM3ULP (SK)
Scott GM4CLQ
Angus MM1CCR
Andrew CEO - www.MakerSpaces.com
Victor GM3VTB
George GM8YUI
Greenock District Scout’s Amateur Radio Club
CQ Radio Amateurs
You can help grow interest in Amateur Radio, Electronics and the CQ Scotland Group project by:
- Becoming a volunteer, share in the fun, and help make things happen!
- Donate unwanted electronic components so we can upcycle them into fun construction kits.
Please email info @ CQScotland.com
CQ Means...
CQ is a code used by radio operators (historically those communicating in Morse code (— · — · — — · —) but also by voice operators, to make a general call to all listeners (called a CQ call).
Transmitting the letters CQ in Morse on a particular radio frequency is an invitation for any operators listening on that frequency to respond. It is still widely used in Amateur Radio. Wikipedia.org
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